Sunday, January 6, 2019

Lesson learnt from app submission

After 2 weeks of trial and error, I found out some fun facts for app submission to different app stores.. you go :p

For App Store:
Reject reason: Testing Instructions
Prior to submitting this app, I have past exprience on how to submit iOS app in iTunes Connect. I thought it will be really smooth but guess what..I forgot to include the Testing Instructions and my app was rejected 😣

For Google Play Store:
Reject Reason: Your app's short description mentioned other brand
Example: I used "A mini game similar to Minesweeper" in my description and my app was rejected T___T But why there's so many Minesweeper game on Google Play Store? Anyways, inside the app I still put Minesweeper word but Google didnt found out because that was just a bot who rejected my app 😛

For Mac App Store:
Reject reason: We have found that when the user closes the main application window there is no menu item to re-open it.
- If your electron app is Single Window app, you have to Kill the app when "X" button is clicked (not minimize 😮) else it will be rejected and the reason for rejection will be as above. How would I know it is related to menu bar 🤔 ofcourse stack overflow taught me.. 😌

For Microsoft Store:
Reject Reason: The app promotes acquiring software through methods other than the Store
Since the electron version is built after RN.. That's why I have included a link to download on App Store and Google Play in "About" screen. But got rejected. T__T


Anyways, besides all these lessons learnt, I also found out that in order to ship an app, that is - from development to production.. it takes a lot more than just coding itself.

I often find myself spending time on
- Designing logo (Something that's totally alien to developer)
- Generating correct logo size & shape (especially the rounded logo on iOS 🤔)
- Reading documentation back and forth on configuration for N times (even the page present the same text)
- Endless trial-and-error to build and sign the app (cert and provisioning issue especially you are not using xcode 😏)
- Submitting multiple builds and still failing (For Microsoft store)
- Writing a proper 😛 (With credits and demo)
- Generating privacy policy..
- Regenerating screenshots for all platform after you have made changes to the user interface 😮
- and etc.

Coding time itself I would say: just 2 days? 🤔 out of the total of 13 days 🤐


Why on earth would I take the suffering path? 😌

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