Monday, July 5, 2021

Yarn install stucked 😡

Yooooooo I'm back!!!

Okay it has been a long time since I wrote about stuffs ~ I decided to record not only reactjs/react-native anymore but instead those issues that I faced & how I resolved it. So that in future if I stumbled upon the same issues I can refer back to here!

Everyday in developer life there is weird issues keep coming out. Sometimes it can be solved by stackoverflow / github issues. Sometimes it just can't! How frustrating ✌

My project "yarn install" was always working fine in Windows until today. It just stucked for no reason. I try yarn --verbose & it stucked at "GET" request for some random libraries. 

Search on google & people just recommend to "yarn cahce clean" "rimraf node_modules" "yarn install" again... 

I tried all the stuff including restart PC (yes that's what people do when things cannot be solved LOL)

And it still same! keep stuck at random library "GET" request.

Then I thought it was my SSH isssues. So I open "services" in windows, and my OpenSSH was indeed disabled (by who? god knows lols) Then I re-enabled it and run "ssh-add" it was working..

Then I try yarn install again... and it still stuckeddddddd

Not until I found this:

Someone pointed out we can disable ipv6 for our adapter... and I tried.. and it worksssssss 😤

It turn out that actually the project has private repositories that hosted on Bitbucket & it uses SSH. Then I google relationship between ipv6 and yarn install & I got this:

Someone explain that SSH by default prefers ipv6 connection...

But why my ipv6 isn't working suddenly? Is it because I moved my pc to another room yesterday and my PC is connected to a Mesh Node & the Mesh Node is now further away from the living room modem? 👀

Anyways, it works & i donno why ~

After my first attempt for yarn install is succeed, I enabled ipv6 back, and it continue to work.... lols.. what is happening?

There are just too many factors that can ruin and waste your daily developer life & you just donno why 😀

Time to get back to work (after spending few hours just to debug why I cannot yarn install 😟)

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